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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Charles Band Presents- FilmGore
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Savage Island
Release Date- September 1985
74 minutes
Director- Nicholas Beardsley
Savage Island is one of the films in Full Moons Grindhouse Collection, and Charles Band has gone back to the past and grabbed some flicks that people might enjoy. I for one didn't like this so much. It's kind of false advertisement since a tricked out Linda Blair is on the cover and she is only in the begining and the end of the whole thing.
The storyline is about how a bunch of prison chicks are abducted and then sold as slaves to do grueling hours of work for a nasty South American emerald mine. They figure they need to come up with a plan to break free and exact some sweet, well deserved revenge.
If your into half naked dirty sweaty chicks with super huge 70's bushes- then baby, this is your thang. If not, you might wanna take a rain check....forever. If you like mud wrestling you should take a peek, these girls are fighting everywhere. It seems everyone there wants to be the alpha bitch in this flick!
74 minutes
Director- Nicholas Beardsley
Savage Island is one of the films in Full Moons Grindhouse Collection, and Charles Band has gone back to the past and grabbed some flicks that people might enjoy. I for one didn't like this so much. It's kind of false advertisement since a tricked out Linda Blair is on the cover and she is only in the begining and the end of the whole thing.
The storyline is about how a bunch of prison chicks are abducted and then sold as slaves to do grueling hours of work for a nasty South American emerald mine. They figure they need to come up with a plan to break free and exact some sweet, well deserved revenge.
If your into half naked dirty sweaty chicks with super huge 70's bushes- then baby, this is your thang. If not, you might wanna take a rain check....forever. If you like mud wrestling you should take a peek, these girls are fighting everywhere. It seems everyone there wants to be the alpha bitch in this flick!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Pop Punk Zombies
Release Date: 2011
84 Minutes
Directed by: Steve Dayton
A demented music agent gathers up a few of his cronies and heads out to the graveyard where he waits for a recently deceased popular rock band to come out. The zombies crawl out of their graves and they capture them all and decide to market them as a living dead act. The problem is they are hungry and dangerous.
A guy Eddy is forced to head to this bands show with one of his buddies and is not thrilled about it. He wants to jet until he sees he ex girlfriend Lisa there and decides to stick around for awhile so he can drool like a little puppy over her. Her new boyfriend seems like a total doucer and Eddy might possibly have a chance to be in like flynn.
The zombie band takes the stage and blasts out a punk tune while the audience, which few there were- eats it up. Well until they break free and start feeding on everything and everyone. People are running everywhere trying to escape but most are succumbing to being a meal for that rotten flesh of a band.
Now I bet Eddy is really pissed as he fights off these monsters while trying to be some hero for his ex. Will he be able to save the day and get them out alive to break on thru to the outside? Or will there be nothing left but a bunch of body parts and blood smears for the cops to find?
84 Minutes
Directed by: Steve Dayton
A demented music agent gathers up a few of his cronies and heads out to the graveyard where he waits for a recently deceased popular rock band to come out. The zombies crawl out of their graves and they capture them all and decide to market them as a living dead act. The problem is they are hungry and dangerous.
A guy Eddy is forced to head to this bands show with one of his buddies and is not thrilled about it. He wants to jet until he sees he ex girlfriend Lisa there and decides to stick around for awhile so he can drool like a little puppy over her. Her new boyfriend seems like a total doucer and Eddy might possibly have a chance to be in like flynn.
The zombie band takes the stage and blasts out a punk tune while the audience, which few there were- eats it up. Well until they break free and start feeding on everything and everyone. People are running everywhere trying to escape but most are succumbing to being a meal for that rotten flesh of a band.
Now I bet Eddy is really pissed as he fights off these monsters while trying to be some hero for his ex. Will he be able to save the day and get them out alive to break on thru to the outside? Or will there be nothing left but a bunch of body parts and blood smears for the cops to find?
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Charles Band Presents: Killer Eye Halloween Haunt
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Hates Haunted Slay Ride
Release Date 2010
1 Hour and 56 Minutes
Director: Warren F. Disbrow
Silent Night, Holy Night where nothing is calm but all is bright with dripping blood. Hate is back in Warren F. Disbrow's new film Hate's Haunted Slay ride and he is as sarcastic as ever! Last time our boy created the largest mass murder spree in the world where paramedics and cops just couldn't get enough body bags.
Wondering whats in store for us this time? Well I'll give you some of the cookies but none of the milk. Other words I mean I won't give away everything because I hate reading reviews that do. Who the hell wants to watch a movie where you know every little thing that's going to happen?
The surviving victims are in the hospital heavily sedated and guarded from any oncoming attacks from Hate. Do you think that Hate can find his way in there? I wouldn't doubt this crazy creepers ability to get what he wants... trust me he'll find a way! All I can say is you need to grab yourself a copy....pricks.
1 Hour and 56 Minutes
Director: Warren F. Disbrow
Silent Night, Holy Night where nothing is calm but all is bright with dripping blood. Hate is back in Warren F. Disbrow's new film Hate's Haunted Slay ride and he is as sarcastic as ever! Last time our boy created the largest mass murder spree in the world where paramedics and cops just couldn't get enough body bags.
Wondering whats in store for us this time? Well I'll give you some of the cookies but none of the milk. Other words I mean I won't give away everything because I hate reading reviews that do. Who the hell wants to watch a movie where you know every little thing that's going to happen?
The surviving victims are in the hospital heavily sedated and guarded from any oncoming attacks from Hate. Do you think that Hate can find his way in there? I wouldn't doubt this crazy creepers ability to get what he wants... trust me he'll find a way! All I can say is you need to grab yourself a copy....pricks.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Afflicted
The Afflicted
85 minutes
Director Jason Stoddard
The Afflicted is a film that will stay with you long after you have finished watching and turn the TV off- you will cringe at the way this mother abuses her children, it made my stomach hurt. It says it's based on a true story but who knows we all know what happened with The Blair Witch story.
Leslie Easterbrook gives a shockingly real performance of a truly demented and delusional woman named Maggie who slowly loses her wits. With each passing day her peculiar and torturous behavior worsens. Her husband Hank (Kane Hodder) cant take it anymore and tries to leave and winds up in a freezer out in the shed.
The children think their father abandoned them and just up and left one horrible day. For some reason Cathy gets the brunt of the abuse it's heartbreaking to see what she does to her. Maggie just cant seem to slip out of her angered head for even a single moment and you can't help wonder if any of these children will survive her wrath!
Her facade only can last for so long right? Will Maggie get her just deserts or will she prevail and succeed in all of her murder sprees? If I was one of those kids I would of killed her while she slept or I would of gathered the strength to sneak off and tell someone. You have to try in these sort of situations, if not you'll wind up dead.....
85 minutes
Director Jason Stoddard
The Afflicted is a film that will stay with you long after you have finished watching and turn the TV off- you will cringe at the way this mother abuses her children, it made my stomach hurt. It says it's based on a true story but who knows we all know what happened with The Blair Witch story.
Leslie Easterbrook gives a shockingly real performance of a truly demented and delusional woman named Maggie who slowly loses her wits. With each passing day her peculiar and torturous behavior worsens. Her husband Hank (Kane Hodder) cant take it anymore and tries to leave and winds up in a freezer out in the shed.
The children think their father abandoned them and just up and left one horrible day. For some reason Cathy gets the brunt of the abuse it's heartbreaking to see what she does to her. Maggie just cant seem to slip out of her angered head for even a single moment and you can't help wonder if any of these children will survive her wrath!
Her facade only can last for so long right? Will Maggie get her just deserts or will she prevail and succeed in all of her murder sprees? If I was one of those kids I would of killed her while she slept or I would of gathered the strength to sneak off and tell someone. You have to try in these sort of situations, if not you'll wind up dead.....
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Antfarm Dickhole
I think if I actually had a dick this might have been funnier to me! Antfarm Dickhole from Bill Zebub is a total sleezefest with plenty of tits ass and full on nudity. You can't help but laugh at some if it no matter how hard you try not too. Bill Zebub himself cracked me up in certain parts, like when he is talking to a detective thru his door. Anyway, a guy who suffers from premature ejaculation while masturbating- not during sex only while waxing one, happens to end up with an army of ants in his pants. The ants decide to take residence inside his manhood and when provoked these buggers will fight for their territory and kick some serious ass. |
I know guys out there will have a blast with this since you all seem to love puke, farts and hoochie. You might all wanna get together with a keg, some death metal and just rock out with those cocks out! I'm no prude and found some fun in the film but all you boys out there better keep those zippers tight or you'll be infested by ants by night!
Friday, November 4, 2011
The Los Angeles Ripper
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Mutilation Man
Release Date: December 6, 2011
93 minutes
Directed by: Derek Cole, Shane Cole
Scream and run as fast as you can but there's no way in he'll you'll survive the mutilation man. Directors Derek Cole and Shane Cole put their heads together to create a nice bloody and torturous horror flick titled The Mutilation Man that will rock your socks off .
Roy and his girlfriend Jessica are celebrating their relationship by staying in for a romantic evening together. They sip wine while cozying up and then hit the bedroom to seal the night with some lovin. Jessica gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. When she comes out she walks straight into a nightmare situation.
The police are desperately scouring the area for someone but they don't know who the hell it is. Could it be that maniac of a man named Malcolm Hayes who is a serious threat to anyone he comes in contact with. The problem with that scenario is that Malcolm died over 10 years ago in a car crash....or did he some how live?
Tied to chairs Roy and Jessica try to figure ways to escape but every time that alarm clock goes off the masked mutilation man come in and tortures each one shamelessly. I don't think the man has a caring bone in his body. If you put yourself in their position- where you are watching your partner be beaten and worse. Will the cops figure it out and save the day? Or will their fate be a slow horrible death?
93 minutes
Directed by: Derek Cole, Shane Cole
Scream and run as fast as you can but there's no way in he'll you'll survive the mutilation man. Directors Derek Cole and Shane Cole put their heads together to create a nice bloody and torturous horror flick titled The Mutilation Man that will rock your socks off .
Roy and his girlfriend Jessica are celebrating their relationship by staying in for a romantic evening together. They sip wine while cozying up and then hit the bedroom to seal the night with some lovin. Jessica gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. When she comes out she walks straight into a nightmare situation.
The police are desperately scouring the area for someone but they don't know who the hell it is. Could it be that maniac of a man named Malcolm Hayes who is a serious threat to anyone he comes in contact with. The problem with that scenario is that Malcolm died over 10 years ago in a car crash....or did he some how live?
Tied to chairs Roy and Jessica try to figure ways to escape but every time that alarm clock goes off the masked mutilation man come in and tortures each one shamelessly. I don't think the man has a caring bone in his body. If you put yourself in their position- where you are watching your partner be beaten and worse. Will the cops figure it out and save the day? Or will their fate be a slow horrible death?
George: A Zombie Intervention
Release Date- 10/4/11
93 minutes
Directed by- JT Seaton's
In JT Seaton's George: A Zombie Intervention, poor George has got a problem- you see he is unfortunately a zombie now and his friends are sick and tired of him eating people. They all get together and decide to hire a zombie interventionist to help them out with George's eating habits before everyone he knows is turned into a zombie.
As the interventionist really tries to get into George's brain, he spaces out and all of her helpful words become him hearing her saying "eat me" and "I'm succulent." He can't take it so he flees from the room only to return moments later with his trusty hammer and finally gets a taste of that yummy skin.
His ex Sara and her current love Tom are there to help with some moral support. Suddenly he's tied to the bed with one of his legs eaten off. Then George has his own fierce protector Francine who will stop at nothing to keep him safe. Wouldn't everyone out there love to have someone like that by their side?
So as visitors and annoying Mormon's come to the door, they all wind up in between George's lips. Different body parts end up on a plate and you can't help but chuckle. I know a lot of zombie lovers reading this will get a hell of a kick out of this new Horror comedy that was released on October 4Th.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Bite Marks
Sunday, October 23, 2011
7 Nights of Darkness
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Savage had some really cool moments where this beast just seems to defy gravity with a swiftness an Olympic hopeful could only dream about having. I also liked it's aggressive explosive behavior that certainly made you think that you'd never want to run into that fucker some dark night- that's for damn sure! |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
1 In The Gun
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Predatory Instinct
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
A Few Brains More: Summer of Blood
Christine Parker is back in the blood with her new flick A Few Brains More where the story of zombie Lily and Jack from Fistful of Brains continues in the 70's where they fight Dead Eye and his hippie flesh monsters. This time Dead Eye heads to the concert and rolls up in an ice cream truck and hands out free green treats that will turn everyone into a hungry zombie who needs a meal in the worst fuckin way! Lily and Jack are back to take on Dead Eye- hopefully for the last time.
A bunch of college kids are so ready for their weekend break so they can head out to a rock festival that's equivalent to likes of Woodstock. All of them are raring to let loose and embrace the whole peace, pot and microdot lifestyle. I could not stand Smiley and wanted to crawl thru the screen and smack his goofy annoying face but when he has an unfortunate run in with a band of bikers I wanted to help him...go figure. Jasmine is a cute blond who takes a liking to Jack when the gang picks them up hitch hiking.
After the people ingest the tonic and there are hundreds of zombies everywhere the name of the game becomes how to make it out of there alive. Lily is pretty bad assed and busts up just about everything that gets in her way but can the others keep up the pace? You all remember hearing how
Woodstock had the whole "Don't eat the brown acid" scare well this time around be sure not to mess with anything green! You'll get a kick out of this zombie fest for sure, and while your at it check out the first film titled A Fistful of Brains!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Vlad starts questioning different people in the village until he comes across Mr. Constantin Tirescu who seems to have a sudden problem with filling his severe hunger. His wife walks into a neighbors house and eats her out of house and home while trying to soothe her rumbling tummy- but food will not fill them anymore. |
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Echo Game
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Back to the Beyond
Who doesn't love a good ghost story? I will admit they are some of my favorites to review, definitely over zombies that's for sure. Back to the Beyond has a team of paranormal investigators that head out to a house that is rumored to be haunted and the owners life's are falling apart because of it.
The past of the house concerns a jealous husband and his wife Elsbeth. The Captain came home from sea and found another man at the house and lost it. Flying into a rage he kills them both and then hangs himself in the attic with the same rope he used on his ship. As the team waits to board the ferry Juliann's sister Jasmine refuses to go.
They all arrive at the house and find one of Cassandras students tied to a chair in the basement. Soon they all receive a visit from the ominous Captain searching for his dear Elsbeth so he can teach her a lesson again and again! So will this team be able to live to tell the tale and show their data? Or are they shark bait?
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Product Description
Blood From the Underground is an anthology consisting of all stories found in the annual downloads in parts I, II, and III.
Authors that will be found in this anthology: G.L Giles, James Patrick Riser, Elizadeth Hetherington, David Dunwoody, BellaDonna Drakul, Edwin Ong, Josh Felty, Eric Enck, Reaper M. Jones, Daniel Emery Taylor, Vance Hetherington, Josh Loomis, Nenad Stakic, Jerry Williams, Robert Freese, Jessica Lee, Dave Wolff, Kristin Theckston, and Lucas McPherson.
Infernal Dreams presents Blood From the Underground as a proud collective of unique and outstanding stories from various authors and artists of horror. There are twenty-four stories with varying subjects and graphic content.
Product Description
Blood From the Underground is an anthology consisting of all stories found in the annual downloads in parts I, II, and III.
Authors that will be found in this anthology: G.L Giles, James Patrick Riser, Elizadeth Hetherington, David Dunwoody, BellaDonna Drakul, Edwin Ong, Josh Felty, Eric Enck, Reaper M. Jones, Daniel Emery Taylor, Vance Hetherington, Josh Loomis, Nenad Stakic, Jerry Williams, Robert Freese, Jessica Lee, Dave Wolff, Kristin Theckston, and Lucas McPherson.
Infernal Dreams presents Blood From the Underground as a proud collective of unique and outstanding stories from various authors and artists of horror. There are twenty-four stories with varying subjects and graphic content.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
'Caesar and Otto’s Summer Camp Massacre
Chamber) and Paul Chomicki star as the title halfwit half brothers. They are joined by cult stars, Brinke Stevens, Joe Estevez, CKY lead singer Deron Miller. The movie also stars Felissa Rose in a role that lampoons her performance as a transgender killer in the original "Sleepaway Camp".
"If Harry and Lloyd from 'Dumb and Dumber' happened upon 'Sleepaway Camp,' you'd essentially get 'Caesar and Otto’s Summer Camp Massacre,' a comedy horror that succeeds in pulling delivering raucous laughs" says Film Threat’s Felix Vasquez Jr. It has been called "funny and unashamed" by Dread Central, and "like Abbott and Costello meets something from the Troma vault" by Horrornews.net.
This indie comedy received acclaim at the 2009 Fright Night Film Festival, and a best editing award at the same year’s Long Island Film Festival.
The DVD contains over six hours of content, including:
* three commentaries
* several featurettes and
* a bonus short sequel, "Caesar & Otto Meet Dracula’s Lawyer" which features cameos from Lloyd Kaufman, Debbie Rochon, Paul Ehlers (Madman), Desiree Gould (Sleepaway Camp) and Robert Lee Oliver (star of Flesh Eating Mothers).
Director Campfield is currently in post production on "Caesar & Otto’s Deadly Xmas". The feature length sequel send up of the Christmas slasher subgenre features an appearance from Silent Night, Deadly Night ‘s Linnea Quigley.
"Caesar and Otto’s Summer Camp Massacre" is currently available for pre-order at most on-line DVD retailers.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Vs. the Dead
Danny Druker and his two friends Dee and Woody are downing beers at the local pizza joint where they annoy the hell out of its owner. They tell him if he gets a tattoo of this skull they drew up, they'll leave and never return to irk the shit out of him- the man couldn't get out of the shop fast enough to hit that parlor!
A deadly virus round 2 ends up in the small Canadian City and at the tattoo shop where patrons will be in for a nasty zombified surprise. So after getting inked up he returns to the shop and looks horrible. Next thing you know there's one groody changing and the pizza shop is covered in body splatter!
Basically most of the film takes place inside the pizza place, it's the whole one infects the next one sort of thing- one bite and you are a goner. Dee is creepy looking in himself so once he gets that virus, he's enough to make your skin crawl. The boys and worker Marcus sit him at a table with a rag around his neck...are you serious?
Is it another independently made zombie flick...yes. Do we really need another one... no! Can you deal with yet another one? If you are into checking out these crazy flesh biters- this is one you'll enjoy with it's tons of blood, crude humor, and some serious fucking epic slayings! I did like how it spread thru getting inked!
Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver
Release date- Sept 14th
Directed by- William Butler and Silvia St. Croix
Run as fast as you can cause here comes the perverted and murderous gingerdead man. Yup he's back in Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver and he's been thrown back to the year 1976. He finds himself at the roller rink with dancing skates everywhere and a need to kill in the corniest ways possible.
So there's a roller boogie going on and a contest for a queen. Jeffrey and Tammy are usually each years winners and she is expecting that crown. Kooky Aunt Nancy owns the joint and tells Randy that her niece Cherry is not allowed to skate and of course they do. Cherry thinks she keeps seeing a gingerbread man but it just seems too crazy for her.
Watching you'll see parts that mock Silence of the lambs and Stephen King's Carrie- those are kind of humorous but this movie was not a prime contender for a good watch. I usually love all the weird puppets but even those couldn't save this one. If you are a fan of the gingerdead man you might get thru it.
Can the kids figure out that this baked bitch needs to get sent back to his own time so they can toast his ass? Or will a rink full of skating fools all end up in a big red puddle? Sometimes some things are better left alone and unfortunately this film slides swiftly into that same category.
Directed by- William Butler and Silvia St. Croix
Run as fast as you can cause here comes the perverted and murderous gingerdead man. Yup he's back in Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver and he's been thrown back to the year 1976. He finds himself at the roller rink with dancing skates everywhere and a need to kill in the corniest ways possible.
So there's a roller boogie going on and a contest for a queen. Jeffrey and Tammy are usually each years winners and she is expecting that crown. Kooky Aunt Nancy owns the joint and tells Randy that her niece Cherry is not allowed to skate and of course they do. Cherry thinks she keeps seeing a gingerbread man but it just seems too crazy for her.
Watching you'll see parts that mock Silence of the lambs and Stephen King's Carrie- those are kind of humorous but this movie was not a prime contender for a good watch. I usually love all the weird puppets but even those couldn't save this one. If you are a fan of the gingerdead man you might get thru it.
Can the kids figure out that this baked bitch needs to get sent back to his own time so they can toast his ass? Or will a rink full of skating fools all end up in a big red puddle? Sometimes some things are better left alone and unfortunately this film slides swiftly into that same category.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Evil Bong 3 The Wrath of Bong
Just when you thought the guys couldn't get in another situation as kooky as the last- your proven wrong...again! A man finds a pot pod of sorts and presses a button releasing Alien Bong which he runs to sell at the clinic/head shop. They buy it and Bachman can't wait to fire it up in this new out out of site alien bong.!
Alistar is wandering thru the forest when he comes across it and thinks is a meteor and starts taking readings. Suddenly he realizes it's made of pot and then Larnell dressed as a ninja comes chopping out of the bushes.They decide to go see Bachman at his marijuana clinic with some prime samples of course
So he tries the alien weed and starts growing fuzz afterwords he is sucked inside of the bong and has four multi colored women standing topless before him. They want his...um, seed and will drain him if neccessary. The guys enlist the help of Eebee the foul mouthed bong who I love very, very much for help.
The theatrical version that is being shown in select towns will be in 3D and in groovy Sniff-o-Rama. If your not a stoner I don't think you'll even wanna try it- and if you are, it's an ok watch but doesn't hold as much charm as the first two flicks in this series. It said at the end that the next would have a killa' crack pipe- will you watch it?
Friday, August 5, 2011
The Coffin
Release date: 8/30/2011
84 Minutes
Directed by: Ekachai Uekrongtham
Not Rated
Ekachai Uekrongtham's film The Coffin was a smash hit over in Thailand and is actually based on a real life ritual that is practiced. Part of the movie was shot on Ancient Thai spiritual grounds and that in itself could be creepy enough for most of the various timid viewers sitting around out there.
Su was devastated to find out she has lung cancer and only a few days before her wedding. This should be a happy time- who could even begin to function after learning that? Then there is Chris, a complete stranger whose girlfriend has fallen into a sudden deep coma. They both travel to the place where the ritual is performed with hopes of a changed future.
The ritual has the living person lying in a coffin in order for them to reverse the bad karma- both take part in a mass ritual and soon their lives have turned over, with the cancer gone and Chris's love wakes up from that deep slumber. The trick here is there is always a price to pay... with everything!
The people around these two might just be the ones hurt instead. The film casts a dark eerie setting with beautiful vivid scenes that dance before your eyes. Would you dare take part in a ritual that could help your luck but create bad for others? If you see the freaky paranormal events that occur, you might just change your mind to that prior question.
84 Minutes
Directed by: Ekachai Uekrongtham
Not Rated
Ekachai Uekrongtham's film The Coffin was a smash hit over in Thailand and is actually based on a real life ritual that is practiced. Part of the movie was shot on Ancient Thai spiritual grounds and that in itself could be creepy enough for most of the various timid viewers sitting around out there.
Su was devastated to find out she has lung cancer and only a few days before her wedding. This should be a happy time- who could even begin to function after learning that? Then there is Chris, a complete stranger whose girlfriend has fallen into a sudden deep coma. They both travel to the place where the ritual is performed with hopes of a changed future.
The ritual has the living person lying in a coffin in order for them to reverse the bad karma- both take part in a mass ritual and soon their lives have turned over, with the cancer gone and Chris's love wakes up from that deep slumber. The trick here is there is always a price to pay... with everything!
The people around these two might just be the ones hurt instead. The film casts a dark eerie setting with beautiful vivid scenes that dance before your eyes. Would you dare take part in a ritual that could help your luck but create bad for others? If you see the freaky paranormal events that occur, you might just change your mind to that prior question.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Accused at 17
Accused at 17
Release date: August 2, 2011
We all know how women can be catty as hell but teen girls are just plain mean and cruel. Back stabbing, instigating, while some are just rotten to their hardened core. Accused at 17 showcases all of these attributes plus some down right nastiness that will having you want to grab a hold of a few of those girls and smack them upside the head.
Bianca is dating school hottie Chad and their relationship seems just peachy until he goes to a party without her. Chad is in the bathroom and little trampy Dory sidles in and offers herself up and he greedily takes it. The next day word is all over and Bianca is heart broken and disgusted.
While lounging pool side over at Fallon's, the girls decide they want to teach Dory a lesson. Fallon and Sara pick up Dory saying their going to this killer frat party then they really meet up with Bianca at a deserted dirt road. They call her names, but Dory could care less and punches Bianca in the face.
After a slight scuffle Bianca leaves for home since Fallon and Sara say they will leave Dory to walk all the way home. An unfortunate incident occurs leaving Dory lifeless and when her body is discovered Bianca is the suspect for her murder. Will Fallon and Sara ever come clean? Or will Bianca rot away in prison for a crime she didn't commit?
Release date: August 2, 2011
We all know how women can be catty as hell but teen girls are just plain mean and cruel. Back stabbing, instigating, while some are just rotten to their hardened core. Accused at 17 showcases all of these attributes plus some down right nastiness that will having you want to grab a hold of a few of those girls and smack them upside the head.
Bianca is dating school hottie Chad and their relationship seems just peachy until he goes to a party without her. Chad is in the bathroom and little trampy Dory sidles in and offers herself up and he greedily takes it. The next day word is all over and Bianca is heart broken and disgusted.
While lounging pool side over at Fallon's, the girls decide they want to teach Dory a lesson. Fallon and Sara pick up Dory saying their going to this killer frat party then they really meet up with Bianca at a deserted dirt road. They call her names, but Dory could care less and punches Bianca in the face.
After a slight scuffle Bianca leaves for home since Fallon and Sara say they will leave Dory to walk all the way home. An unfortunate incident occurs leaving Dory lifeless and when her body is discovered Bianca is the suspect for her murder. Will Fallon and Sara ever come clean? Or will Bianca rot away in prison for a crime she didn't commit?
Friday, July 29, 2011
Ceaser and Otto's Summercamp Massacre
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Closed for the Season
Release date- August 23rd
90 minutes
Directed by- Jay Woelfel
Not rated
I don't know why I love carnivals and rides so much but I could never get enough of them until I was diagnosed with a heart problem. Now I am not allowed to go on all those crazy thrilling rides with drops and turns....Bastards! I am also very attracted to old run down asylums but that's another story to tell some other time.
Closed for the Season was filmed in Ohio's old abandoned Chippewa Lake park. The park is a haunted site with many incidents dating back to 1870. The main point I have is that director Jay Woelfel is a freakin genius with the plot he came up with- sure there are many movies that have someone trapped somewhere but not done like this
Aimee wakes up trapped within the park and seems to be living the places memories. She needs to find a way to escape it's evil clutches, but is that even possible when no matter how she tries to get out there is always a catch. There has to be a way out somehow, right? The Carnie torments and antagonizes her every step of the way.
She knocks on a door for help and a guy answers and tries to help her figure out the game this twisted clown is playing with her. I adored this film and know I will be blabbing my mouth to anyone who will listen to me telling them the have to buy and check out Closed for the Season! I know I will be watching it again and again....
90 minutes
Directed by- Jay Woelfel
Not rated
I don't know why I love carnivals and rides so much but I could never get enough of them until I was diagnosed with a heart problem. Now I am not allowed to go on all those crazy thrilling rides with drops and turns....Bastards! I am also very attracted to old run down asylums but that's another story to tell some other time.
Closed for the Season was filmed in Ohio's old abandoned Chippewa Lake park. The park is a haunted site with many incidents dating back to 1870. The main point I have is that director Jay Woelfel is a freakin genius with the plot he came up with- sure there are many movies that have someone trapped somewhere but not done like this
Aimee wakes up trapped within the park and seems to be living the places memories. She needs to find a way to escape it's evil clutches, but is that even possible when no matter how she tries to get out there is always a catch. There has to be a way out somehow, right? The Carnie torments and antagonizes her every step of the way.
She knocks on a door for help and a guy answers and tries to help her figure out the game this twisted clown is playing with her. I adored this film and know I will be blabbing my mouth to anyone who will listen to me telling them the have to buy and check out Closed for the Season! I know I will be watching it again and again....
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Asylum Seekers
Directed by: Rania Ajami
Release date: 8/23/2011 90 Minutes
Who would think that crazy would become the new sane- but you'll see a fine example of this in Rania Ajami's Asylum Seekers. I sat on the couch completely transfixed with awe at it's Willy Wonk on angel dust type of feel. It's rare that something special and unique comes past a reviewers nose but this film was just fucking awesome!
Now the well dressed Dr. Raby seems to be some sort of tourettes freak who just bursts out with the craziest sounds and statements, while Maude is a housewife admitted by her husband. Miranda loves and thinks people are always staring at her so she always is putting on a show just in case and teenager Alice is a cyber nut who craves knowledge and technology.
Alan is an androgenis rapper and Paul is a war freak and wants to take over everything including the asylum. All of the characters above are competing to get the very last bed in the place. Now for nurse Milly in her staunch white uniform and two companions Minnie and Micky I really wish they had bigger parts but trust me they're around enough to make an impact.
I can bet my ass that this movie will become a huge cult classic- what's not to love? There is plenty of weird, odd, kooky, and clever things that will reel you in like a fat bass on some sad fisher mans hook! I really recommend Asylum Seekers for everyone who is into the strange and different, this film is the cherry on top of a three ring freak show.
Release date: 8/23/2011 90 Minutes
Who would think that crazy would become the new sane- but you'll see a fine example of this in Rania Ajami's Asylum Seekers. I sat on the couch completely transfixed with awe at it's Willy Wonk on angel dust type of feel. It's rare that something special and unique comes past a reviewers nose but this film was just fucking awesome!
Now the well dressed Dr. Raby seems to be some sort of tourettes freak who just bursts out with the craziest sounds and statements, while Maude is a housewife admitted by her husband. Miranda loves and thinks people are always staring at her so she always is putting on a show just in case and teenager Alice is a cyber nut who craves knowledge and technology.
Alan is an androgenis rapper and Paul is a war freak and wants to take over everything including the asylum. All of the characters above are competing to get the very last bed in the place. Now for nurse Milly in her staunch white uniform and two companions Minnie and Micky I really wish they had bigger parts but trust me they're around enough to make an impact.
I can bet my ass that this movie will become a huge cult classic- what's not to love? There is plenty of weird, odd, kooky, and clever things that will reel you in like a fat bass on some sad fisher mans hook! I really recommend Asylum Seekers for everyone who is into the strange and different, this film is the cherry on top of a three ring freak show.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Exit 33
83 Minutes
Release date: 8/2/2011
I was disappointed with this film- I don't know if it was from all of the hype and I expected too much, or just from the plain fact that is a tired old storyline. Five friends are all hyped up about heading too their five year class reunion and to cut time out of their trip they will take Exit 33. Eva and her man Dax leave before Angie while their pothead rocker chick friend will meet them there.
Angie throws a fit when Matt tells her he isn't going so she takes off without him. Ike’s Last Chance Gas is right off of Exit 33 and most people try and hit it up so they don't run out and end up stranded somewhere. Ike is very tall and very intimidating but people love his homemade beef jerky. Hmmm, wonder what it's made of?
The whole flick is him torturing his victims and grabbing out their eyes for his collection. Through out the movie Ike has flashbacks that make you see why he wants and loves those eyes. It's pretty predictable but Kane Hodder pulls off his role well with his lurking bulk of a figure and stony stoic expression.
If you want the same old southern style off horror grits you'll ride this one out smoothly, if not your going to get a little antsy at times when it seems just a little bit drawn out. So since Matt left after all of his friends do you think he'll be able to save any of them? Or will he just become another wad of meat in the jerky?
Release date: 8/2/2011
I was disappointed with this film- I don't know if it was from all of the hype and I expected too much, or just from the plain fact that is a tired old storyline. Five friends are all hyped up about heading too their five year class reunion and to cut time out of their trip they will take Exit 33. Eva and her man Dax leave before Angie while their pothead rocker chick friend will meet them there.
Angie throws a fit when Matt tells her he isn't going so she takes off without him. Ike’s Last Chance Gas is right off of Exit 33 and most people try and hit it up so they don't run out and end up stranded somewhere. Ike is very tall and very intimidating but people love his homemade beef jerky. Hmmm, wonder what it's made of?
The whole flick is him torturing his victims and grabbing out their eyes for his collection. Through out the movie Ike has flashbacks that make you see why he wants and loves those eyes. It's pretty predictable but Kane Hodder pulls off his role well with his lurking bulk of a figure and stony stoic expression.
If you want the same old southern style off horror grits you'll ride this one out smoothly, if not your going to get a little antsy at times when it seems just a little bit drawn out. So since Matt left after all of his friends do you think he'll be able to save any of them? Or will he just become another wad of meat in the jerky?
Friday, July 15, 2011
Ninjas VS. Vampires
release date: 5/3/ 2011
89 minutes
First off... I wanted to slit my wrists when this came to me for a review, I would rather gouge my eyes out and then use it as a Frisbee. Now see, that's where a lot of us are prejudice and wrong- sometimes when we judge the film by it's cover or even the storyline we end up very wrong...Ninjas vs. Vampires fell perfectly in the category for me- it rocked!
It starts with a nerdy guy named Aaron video taping his close friend Alex then he tells her he wants more than just a friendship. Before she can finish crushing his heart with that devastating no, Vampires come out of nowhere and start to make a meal out of Aaron- well until the crafty Ninjas show up and save the day...for now!
Alex wakes up at home devastated at what she remembers then guess who knocks at the door? Yup Aaron. After being thoroughly freaked and the whole situation is explained they are off trying to figure it all out piece by piece magic included. The budget for this was low and the effects are kinda hokey but it held my attention and drawled me in with the story.
It has some fun dialog and the classic battle of good vs. evil. So the cold hearted vampire overlord Seth plots to annihilate mankind and it's up to Aaron to save his one true love Alex who is being held captive as bait. Can these ninjas change him into a fighting machine or is Alex bound to be doomed forever?
Friday, July 1, 2011
Shatter Kinder A Smut Saga Volume 3 ADULTS ONLY
Author: Gori Suture
ISBN: 1451592086
Publisher: Inside Henry's Head
Publisher: Inside Henry's Head
At first I was a little put off by all the notes at the bottom to explain certain terms or situations but it only lasts a few chapters and it's totally necessary for the reader to really get a glimpse into this magnificent world Gori Suture has created. Most authors create stories with people and their fucked up situations but Shatter Kinder are these furry hoofed beings with a whole mind blowing world for your eager mind to explore. I can almost guarantee that most of you have never feasted your eyes on such a crazy and utterly unique storyline.
Mordecio and Astothan are twin shatter kinder who are destined to be the angel of death to those who are ready to go. There are rules at Paradox and Mordecio has a hell of a time following them since he actually has feelings and disagrees with the way things are dealt with. Many hardships and emotional set backs have ruined him and he doesn't want to be a reaper of death. They run off and try to live life on their own while trying to heal the Queens sickly daughter.
Their many escapades there will keep you interested and have you saying to yourself "Where the hell does she come up with this?" A totally amazing read! If your not into very kinky/ odd sex or maybe you are a total prude, well this book is not for you- Miss Suture is very descriptive will have your dainty asses passed out on the floor!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Trilogy of Blood
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Bloodlust Zombies
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