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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Savage Island

Release Date- September 1985

74 minutes

Director- Nicholas Beardsley

Savage Island is one of the films in Full Moons Grindhouse Collection, and Charles Band has gone back to the past and grabbed some flicks that people might enjoy. I for one didn't like this so much. It's kind of false advertisement since a tricked out Linda Blair is on the cover and she is only in the begining and the end of the whole thing.

The storyline is about how a bunch of prison chicks are abducted and then sold as slaves to do grueling hours of work for a nasty South American emerald mine. They figure they need to come up with a plan to break free and exact some sweet, well deserved revenge.

If your into half naked dirty sweaty chicks with super huge 70's bushes- then baby, this is your thang. If not, you might wanna take a rain check....forever. If you like mud wrestling you should take a peek, these girls are fighting everywhere. It seems everyone there wants to be the alpha bitch in this flick!

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