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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Evil Bong 3 The Wrath of Bong

Just when you thought the guys couldn't get in another situation as kooky as the last- your proven wrong...again! A man finds a pot pod of sorts and presses a button releasing Alien Bong which he runs to sell at the clinic/head shop. They buy it and Bachman can't wait to fire it up in this new out out of site alien bong.!

Alistar is wandering thru the forest when he comes across it and thinks is a meteor and starts taking readings. Suddenly he realizes it's made of pot and then Larnell dressed as a ninja comes chopping out of the bushes.They decide to go see Bachman at his marijuana clinic with some prime samples of course

So he tries the alien weed and starts growing fuzz afterwords he is sucked inside of the bong and has four multi colored women standing topless before him. They want, seed and will drain him if neccessary. The guys enlist the help of Eebee the foul mouthed bong who I love very, very much for help.

The theatrical version that is being shown in select towns will be in 3D and in groovy Sniff-o-Rama. If your not a stoner I don't think you'll even wanna try it- and if you are, it's an ok watch but doesn't hold as much charm as the first two flicks in this series. It said at the end that the next would have a killa' crack pipe- will you watch it?

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