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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Closed for the Season

Release date- August 23rd

90 minutes
Directed by- Jay Woelfel
Not rated

I don't know why I love carnivals and rides so much but I could never get enough of them until I was diagnosed with a heart problem. Now I am not allowed to go on all those crazy thrilling rides with drops and turns....Bastards!  I am also very attracted to old run down asylums but that's another story to tell some other time.

Closed for the Season was filmed in Ohio's old abandoned Chippewa Lake park. The park is a haunted site with many incidents dating back to 1870. The main point I have is that director Jay Woelfel is a freakin genius with the plot he came up with- sure there are many movies that have someone trapped somewhere but not done like this

Aimee wakes up trapped within the park and seems to be living the places memories. She needs to find a way to escape it's evil clutches, but is that even possible when no matter how she tries to get out there is always a catch. There has to be a way out somehow, right? The Carnie torments and antagonizes her every step of the way.

She knocks on a door for help and a guy answers and tries to help her figure out the game this twisted clown is playing with her. I adored this film and know I will be blabbing my mouth to anyone who will listen to me telling them the have to buy and check out Closed for the Season! I know I will be watching it again and again....

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