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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Natural Born Killers 15th Anniversary Directors Cut

Came out on DVD October 13th

Own it on DVD now!

Who can ever forget Mickey and Mallory? Back in 1994 when Natural Born Killers came out the world fell in love with two new totally psychotic serial killers. These two were bonded over the fact that they both had very dysfunctional childhoods with abusive parents. Mickey murders her touchy incestuous father and her enabling mother and then they go on a road trip from hell.

Along they way they slaughter everyone they can get their hands on and their only rule is always leave behind one person to be the witness and tell their harrowing tale. A very popular reporter named Wayne Gale exposes these two maniacs to the world and they become instant killing superstars. Just goes to show you how the media hypes up the wrong things!

When they are captured outside of a store while they were inside searching for snake venom medicine you think that these two just might get loose but they are both sent to different prisons where they sit love ridden in their cells hoping to see each other again, but knowing it is not going to happen since they will likely be either sentenced to death or life inside.

So if you want to see an addictive story that will keep you thinking about it for months to come, watch Nature Born Killers. Mickey and Mallory are as addictive as chocolate with peanut butter in it. It's a twisted tale of love and murder that the media hyped up and made into an explosive obsession. Oliver Stone sure knows how to tell a crooked story!


Disc 1

*Introduction by Oliver Stone (new intro HD)

*Commentary by director Oliver Stone (from original SD release)

Disc 2

*NBK Evolution: How would it all go down now?- New documentary providing a look at how the film might be different if today's technology advancements were available (in HD)

*Chaos Rising The Storm Around Natural Born Killers- Shocking 'making of' documentary about the storm of controversy surrounding the film (from original SD release)

* Deleted scenes with optional commentary by Oliver Stone (from original SD release)

- The Desert

- Steven Wright

- The Courtroom

- The Hun Brothers

- The Drive- In

- Denis Leary

* Alternate ending with introduction by Oliver Stone (from original SD release)

* Charlie Rose interview- Charlie Rose interviews Oliver Stone on the making of this violent film (from the HD DVD release in SD)

* NBK Director's Cut Trailer

"Check out the Official Site"

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