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Tuesday, October 13, 2009


A seemingly timid man gets dressed in front of the mirror which you think might be a date by the way he repeatedly practices his greeting over and over. The door bell rings and a pretty dark haired girl comes in and is visually nervous about whatever is about to happen. They met online and have the same interests in many important things.

George cooked her a great meal and pours her some wine and they sit at the dinner table making idle chat. Are they romantically involved? Are they about to be? Claudia says she needs to use his wash room and while she is in there she ends up on her cell phone with what sounds like a disgruntled ex boyfriend making sure he knows that it’s over and he’ll never see her again.

So she comes out and sits down telling George she is ready and he has her sign a waiver. He talks to her and is very happy that she is willingly participating. What would you do for the love of science? Would you shun it and all the things that you could possibly learn from it? Or would you be willing to take a chance and see what happens?

Consumption was deliciously gag worthy with gore that fills the screen with bright red blobs of blood. Science will take on a new twisted meaning for us all. As you watch you won’t know what to expect and you just can’t quite put your finger on it. You’ll just know that you are going to be in for a special yet truly disgusting treat

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