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Monday, October 29, 2012

6 Degrees of Hell

Release Date:11/27/12
Directed by: Joe Raffa
92 Minutes
6 Degrees of Hell was shot at the actual Halloween Haunted attraction in Pennsylvania known as the Hotel of Horror in Saylorsburg. I might actually have to check this place out one year, Pennhurst Insane Asylum was a hike and a half and the only thing scary about the damn place were the lines!
The movie boasts of having Corey Feldman as one of the actors- is that really something to be proud of? He plays the part of of a detective named Kyle Brenner who shows up investigating the grisly murder of a popular ghost hunter from a well known shows sister. The poor girl was sliced crotch to sternum, thank god I didn't have to fully see that one!
As part of of this years Hotel of Horrors, a well known psychic medium lends them some of her actual haunted items for props. Well lets just say some nasty demons lurk within some of those objects just waiting to come wreak some havoc. Once a psychic girl named Nicole enters the premises all hell breaks loose for these body switching entities.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Release Date: November 20, 2012
74 minutes
Directed by: Tim Cowles
Becca decides she needs a change of pace with her career and takes up the new job of selling sex toys and she is determined to make it work. Her and a few friends are all set for a sexy photo shoot to lure in the customers so they have sexy models and big ideas. Hey, a girl's gotta make a living and we sure as hell don't live in the stone ages anymore!
So they are doing a sexy shoot with a bitchy chick named ruby and one perky blond Aqua- the men watching will love the results. Becca is packed and out the door after an argument with her lover and heads off to her very first show...alone. First mistake in her new business venture that leaves her a crying mess running from the scene.
A person who has found her on the Internet starts adding her friends and it seems that if you accept his invite, you end up slashed! Is there a motive behind his madness? Could it be Becca's beau John? Or maybe a jealous friend? Well who ever he is, he sends her a video of him torturing and killing an on-line friend, then soon he turns to her closer ones...
Backslasher is a movie that has hot girls posing provocatively, sex, and chase scene at the end that reminds you a little of Prom Night but not nearly as long or quite as intense. Will Becca escape the grips of the Backslasher? Or will she be the next one to receive the slitting of the throat?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Help launch a new Independent horror zine!

Help us launch a new zine dedicated to independent horror. If you have already backed us and/or shared the link, we appreciate it. This project can help everyone involved in the horror community. If we have discussed your work on our blog or podcast, please consider helping us here so we can continue to spread the word about quality independent horror.

Writers, actors, directors, artists, podcasters, bloggers, reviewers, f...
ans, ghost hunters, and everyone else involved in horror will have a voice here. Contributions and suggestions will be welcome, and our writers will be paid.

Kickstarter rewards include signed DVDs and CD-R compilations filled with songs by friends of the podcast. Thanks to all filmmakers and bands who have donated their work to this cause.

We have gotten tremendous support from our friends so far. Please help us make this happen!/events/197600247038901/206992996099626/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Bucks County Massacre

Release Date: September 25, 2012
84 Minutes
Directed by: Jason Sherman
Brain Damage Films
They're having a huge kegger party and the only way your invited is to view the found footage of the bash that was thrown for their good friend Will's 25th birthday. The house is packed, the booze is flowing and the hot girls are getting all tipsy so maybe so guy might get lucky? Or maybe not...
So their out at this really remote house in Bucks County, Pennsylvania where the road in was plain dirt and they had to pass thru this really cool- yet creepy covered bridge that I sure as hell wouldn't wanna walk thru on my own at night! They are happily video taping the whole thing as a keepsake for their friend.

So Melissa needs to use her phone and her drunken ass heads outside -no one sees her again, she's officially missing. The cops arrive and it's the standard reply- she's an adult and they can't consider her missing until so many hours have passed. Her boyfriend ain't having that shit, so he busts a rifle out and is on the hunt.
Ok, I had a blast with watching this one, but I was looking some info up and it said Vampire....I honestly didn't surmise the villian as being this- if I had to guess I would of said cannibal or maybe some freak on Bath salts? Is it worth a watch you ask? Hell freakin yeah!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ugly Shy necklace contest

Make sure to check out and "like" The Ugly Art Dolls page
And you can find my work for sale at
RULES: You can enter once a day and the contest ends Oct,10th,12 at Midnight!
Just reblog the photo to enter

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

From Beneath

Release date: August 10. 2012
Directed By: David Doucette
Nothing like heading out with your main squeeze for a little down time at her sisters very secluded farm, to bad they didn't get a flat or somehow been deterred from going in the first place because now things are about to get seriously fucked up. Jason seems a little uptight from the get go, maybe he is foreseeing his own future?

Sam is very excited to see her sister and is a little upset when they arrive and no one is to be found. They decide to take a look around and since it is blazing hot out, they strip down to their skivvies and jump into the pond to cool off. It looks like Jason might get lucky until he is bitten by a leech.
Sam helps him hobble back to her sisters where he lays down and tries to rest. Suddenly that little leech lick starts turning into a gooey, bloody mess! Hours pass and still no sign of the sister and her family. Where the hell could they be? I mean why wouldn't they be there to greet her when she arrived?
Jason is now sick and in dire need of a hospital, doctor...something! Time in running out for them- Jason is losing his grip on reality and Sam just might pay the price. Do you think this couple will survive the ordeal? Can Jason even rid himself of the virus that has taken him over maybe he should just admit his defeat?