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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Southern Haunts part 2 Devils in the Darkness- edited by Alexander S. Brown and Loiuse Myers

ISBN: 978-1-937929
Published by: Seventh Star press
Multiple authors
copyright 2014

ISBN: 978-1-937929
Published by: Seventh Star press
Multiple authors
copyright 2014

I've never been much of a fan of books with several authors contributing their stories to complete a
theme designed for them all. I think that's because I never really gave them a chance plus I hate getting into a story and then its over and onto the next one. I actually enjoy them now and look forward to seeing what people come up with. Sometimes I am honestly disappointed when they end, I mean we have all felt like this at one time or another when immersed in the story and its just that good. I mean haven't you ever gotten to the end of a book and kinda of drag it out?

Southern Haunts part 2 Devils in the Darkness is filled with stories from many talented writers. I always try to pick at least three stories I really enjoyed and this time around I would have to chose
Beleth, And There Was Nothing Left But Ash, and Dediless. I could see all three as novels or even
short films that many would enjoy viewing. So I will willingly admit that I am excited to reading
more volumes of short stories in the future, you really don't know what treasures you might come across within those pages- I cant wait!

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