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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Skeleton Key 3: The Organ Trail

Release Date: November 8, 2011
120 Minutes
Directed by: John Johnson

OK, I hate to do this but Skeleton Key 3: The Organ Trail has to one of the worst movies I viewed this year so far. It's stupid, boring and has absolutely nothing to do with the two other films in the series titled Skeleton Key, Skeleton Key 2 : 667 Neighbor of the Beast. I was disappointed since the box cover showed some Saw type of shit going on- I need to start following my own rule and not judging a DVD by it's cover, they always lie! I wouldn't spend a dime on this bad boy....sorry!
74 Minutes
Release date: February 28Th 2012
Directed by Stuart Simpson
Three smokin hot retro goth chicks- Beretta, Blondie and Snowball, are three hired killers
that get off on seeing that hot sticky metallic blood pump out of a dying persons veins. It
stars with the three of them broken down on the side of the road where two poor unsuspecting
horn dogs make the mistake of stopping to help- at least the gals got a new car out of it!
They jet in their new wheels and head to a deserted apartment near the sea to chill out for a while and get totally fucked up in the process. They take a dip in the cold murky waters and seem to stir up more than just the old man in the wheel chairs nerves. He warns them that they water is no good- and they tell him to basically fuck off.
His grand daughter comes home from school and those gals can't wait to pounce on her 17
year old innocence. They get little Anna drunk- and who knows what else and have a freaky tripped out night. Soon the Kraken ventures from the depths of the sea and starts rippin bodies to gooey shreds! It's a kick ass
monster flick you don't wanna miss- trust me, if you love horror than you wanna experience this!