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Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Release date:
Directed by: Thor Moreno
75 Minutes

Helpless, an independent film from Thor Moreno was an intriguing film that drew me in
effortlessly and had me engrossed in the film the entire time. I really liked how it was done in parts, or sections like chapters within a novel you would lovingly read. The plot is thoroughly planned and the acting is strategically on point.       

A frustrated couple are driving along engaging in a serious discussion of this much dreaded visit to Ned's dying Mother's house for her to see the baby. A flat renders them helpless stuck on the side of the road so naturally Ned gets out to flip on a new one. Strange sounds start to creepily undulate from within the deep dark woods warning him of the impending danger .

Morning arrives and the Sheriff pulls up to an alarming crime scene and the baby girl is missing. A man accused of an occult type of foul play leads him to the house of his crime scene and the frantic search for the baby begins. A proclaimed psychic Wendy eventually convinces the law to allow her to help them while a true crime novelist Abby Fulton weasels her way into it all- not smart!

Helpless is a hell of a twister that will smack you quite spitefully in the face while crudely laughing because you never even saw it coming- not even a clue! Thor Moreno seems to be a very promising writer and director who just might gift us with many more exciting titles for all of us to ingest hungrily.